Monday, October 20, 2008

More thoughts on the upcoming election

I have included the below link to the Mike Huckabee show with Joe "the plumber". This clip illustrates a few more reasons why I do not trust Barack Obama. I also consider his inexperience with only two or three years in the Senate. It was recently pointed out to me that someone close to me lives the life he does ""because of Unions", and Obama supports Unions. My question is, how do you know what Obama supports with so little time in the Senate and so little work, comparatively.

In answer to a comment to an earlier post; if there were any real relationships that were questionable with John McCain the Dems would have played it up in the liberal media. Neither party would let something like that go without releasing the hounds.
It comes down to trust and experience, and of course Faith. I have none of these in Barack Obama. I have some of these in John McCain.
Let me also repeat, I like Sarah Palin better than Joe Biden. What a good sport appearing on SNL. No Fear.

Check out this link, and the woman from Canada. Just copy and paste it:

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