United Modern Arnis recently hosted founder of Marcial Tirada Kali, Guro Tony Marcial. Guro Tony is very open, friendly, approachable, and very highly skilled. These were some of the comments from those in attendance.
Guro Tony covered footwork, body position, knife, single stick, empty hand, takedowns and groundwork.
He is very fast, and accurate, and has an ease in his teaching and explanations.
The seminar began with basic movement and footwork and built on that foundation. Once people were comfortable with the basics of Marcial Tirada Kali, Guro Tony built up to using footwork for speed, evasion and tactics. He then added stick work and knife work. After the standup portion Guro Tony move into takedowns, locks and controls.
After the seminar the group got together at the hosts (that's me) home for some good food, conversation and camaraderie. Like family, we look forward to haveing Guro Tony back soon.
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