Friday, July 20, 2007


It has been a while. Some of what has transpired includes my father in law passing away, our eldest daughters boyfriend having a spontaneous pneumothorax (collapsed lung) the day after the funeral, and my lovely wife and youngest daughter sitting at a traffic light and being hit by a person who missed her turn. The mini van in which they were riding is probably totaled. We haven't heard for sure yet. Thankfully, no injuries. All within 2 weeks. I have found that God gives us grace often just when we need it, not a moment sooner sometimes.
Some humor; about a month ago, a friend at work was telling me how he will never get drunk and get on the computer and go to again. He said that he had bought a Kimber model 1911. He showed it to me. Sweet. Of course he got it for a really great price. Well, he was telling me yesterday that he did it again. Unfortunately I didn't get to find out what he bought this time. Maybe the next day we are on duty I'll get to see. If you haven't been to that website, there are some great deals. Just be sure to stay sober. For now, enjoy this pic of a Kimber 1911 Grand Raptor II

On August 31st I'll be headed to Raft Island on beautiful Puget Sound for the 2007 Water and Steel camp hosted by Datu Kelly Worden. You can see some pictures of past camps on Raft Island at . This is a great time to train, learn, relax, meet new people, make new friends and enjoy some of the most beautiful surroundings anywhere. You can train at your own pace, at your own level, or you can train with some of the highest level players in multiple styles with no pressure or chest beating. It is really a great time and Kelly is an awesome host, practitioner and teacher.

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