Good People
Most people understand that there is a difference between friendship, or commeraderie, and being seen with someone, or being able to say they "know" someone in an attempt to advance their position. Some reading this will understand it's meaning better than others.
Friendship, or commeraderie includes such things as trust, honesty, loyalty, integrity, caring and love. It is more important to surround ourselves with people who care about us than to try to make ourselves look good by using half truths, or outright lies, or by trying to make others look bad. People who do the later must be compensating for something and are missing the more important qualities mentioned earlier.
Those who have had people like this cross our paths are fortunate to have had them only cross our paths. Afterwrads, sometimes, there is a time of healing or forgiveness. This is when our strength of character grows. Sometimes it takes a little longer, but people of strong character will make this effort and become better people.

1 comment:
Dan- Well said. I am happy to count you and Datu among those good people who have graced my life with friendship. I am always amazed at how many good and true friends I have made through my martial arts endeavors compared with all my other endeavors combined.
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